Wednesday, July 21, 2010


American Style Kobe Beef Yakitori

.60lb Beef
3 cloves garlic, diced
3Tb soy sauce (low sodium)
1Tb Michiu
1/2C water
2 Yakisoba single serving pkgs
3C Chinese Broccoli cut up into small pieces
1/2 sweet onion
2 green onions (white ends)
2 cups cabbage
2Tb oil

Salt/pepper the beef.
Cook garlic for 30s to 1min. Add beef. Cook until no more red shows, remove both to a plate.
Add onions, broccoli, and cabbage. Cook for a few minutes, stirring every now and then. Cover pan as well. Remove to another plate. Add 1Tb oil, then the noodles. Add the water. Stir to free up noodles. Add soy sauce and michiu. Mix well. Add everything else, lower temp and mix well. Serve on warm plate. Garnish with rose salt and sesame seeds.

The beef ended up too fatty for my liking, but I ate it anyways. You can use regular soy sauce to make it more salty and darker.

American Style Kobe Beef


1 comment:

  1. Hate kobe beef. I dunno the popularity. It's waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to fatty.
